# block-spacing

Enforce or disallow spaces inside of blocks after the opening and closing brackets.

This rule enforces consistent spacing inside blocks by enforcing the opening token and the next token being on the same line. It also enforces consistent spacing with a closing token and the previous token being on the same line.

# Always

# Incorrect code examples

function foo() {return true;}
if (foo) { bar = 0;}
function baz() {let i = 0;
    return i;

# Correct code examples

function foo() { return true; }
if (foo) { bar = 0; }

# Never

# Incorrect code examples

function foo() { return true; }
if (foo) { bar = 0;}

# Correct code examples

function foo() {return true;}
if (foo) {bar = 0;}

# Config

Name Type Description
style String The style of spacing, either "always" (default) to require one or more spaces, or
"never" to disallow spaces
More incorrect examples
{ foo();}
{foo(); }
if (a) {foo();}
if (a) {} else {foo();}
switch (a) {case 0: foo();}
while (a) {foo();}
do {foo();} while (a);
for (;;) {foo();}
for (var a in b) {foo();}
for (var a of b) {foo();}
try {foo();} catch (e) {foo();} finally {foo();}
function foo() {bar();}
(function() {bar();});
(() => {bar();});
if (a) {//comment
foo(); }
More correct examples
{ foo(); }
{ foo();
foo(); }
if (a) { foo(); }
if (a) {} else { foo(); }
switch (a) {}
switch (a) { case 0: foo(); }
while (a) { foo(); }
do { foo(); } while (a);
for (;;) { foo(); }
for (var a in b) { foo(); }
for (var a of b) { foo(); }
try { foo(); } catch (e) { foo(); }
function foo() { bar(); }
(function() { bar(); });
(() => { bar(); });
if (a) { /* comment */ foo(); /* comment */ }
if (a) { //comment
foo(); }

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Last Updated: 11/18/2020, 9:36:33 PM